Thursday, July 10, 2014

Time Has Wings

My how time flies!

Have been working on several OOAK dolls over the last few weeks and a few custom orders as well.  I like to work in the quiet with no radio, tv, phone or computer on or near me.  Just quiet.  It helps me concentrate and contemplate.

I've finally gotten around to the Sea Wees I've been storing for the last few months.  I'd always wanted those tiny little flowers on the fronts of their bodies a different color than their bodies, so I made them so.  They look like petit fours to me now.  I'm going to work to get a few of these dolls I've completed listed today along with a few others that I have cleaned up and prepped. 

There are times when I think about getting a small studio outside of the house to be able to work away from everything else that is distracting to me: the fact that I need to clean, neighborhood noises, the dishes in the sink, mail to sort, groceries to get, bills that need paying, the cats, etc.  My cats usually prefer to be near me while I work and that can be a bit of a hassle sometimes.  Lately though they have been off on their own napping, which is nice.

Speaking of the house... I'm still waiting on the short sale to go through.  This has weighed on my mind more than I care to admit, but it is what it is and I have to go through it.  I can tell you this: this ordeal with trying to sell a house in a depressed market has tainted my ever wanting to be a home owner again.  I am at a point in my life where I want to move to pursue my days elsewhere, but this house is the only thing holding me back from doing so and to me that seems ridiculous.  The frustration of this entire situation consumes me some days.  Painting pulls me out of it thankfully.

I keep feeling as though there is something in front of me that I am not seeing.  I hope that it is revealed to me soon.  Until then, I will continue to muddle through things; making my way around new dolls to paint and things to create.

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