Monday, May 4, 2015


I should be out walking in this wonderful weather we are having here in MI.  It's currently 72º and sunny today after a light rain through the night.  Last night was the first this year where it has been warm enough in the house to have the fan blowing on me ever so gently.  Waking up with cool, crisp sheets around me is one of my absolute favorite things.

The wild things are really beginning to take hold and move into their blossoming phase.  I have some supercharged hot pink creeping phlox in the front yard that is starting to rear it's blossomy heads.  When that stuff blooms it appears to be exploding onto the lawn as if someone purposefully overturned a bucket of paint in large, bountiful globs.  Walkers-by often stop and ogle it and, if I'm out when they're near, they'll ask me what it is.  I often respond with, "Magic."

I've been entirely preoccupied with things in my personal life unfolding, which I will refrain from going into in any great detail here.  But, all this mindfulness has rallied me away from doll painting.   I will try and salvage my absence by posting a few of my most recent doll works:

I hope that things are idling nicely where you are.  I can only hope to be coasting some place soon myself.

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